by way of exception

by way of exception
в виде исключения

English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "by way of exception" в других словарях:

  • Exception handling — is a programming language construct or computer hardware mechanism designed to handle the occurrence of exceptions, special conditions that change the normal flow of program execution. Programming languages differ considerably in their support… …   Wikipedia

  • Exception handling syntax — varies between programming languages to accommodate their overall syntax. Some languages don t call the concept exception handling or they may not have direct facilities for it, but they can still provide means for implementing it. Catalogue of… …   Wikipedia

  • exception — ex·cep·tion n 1: something that is excepted or excluded; esp: a situation to which a rule does not apply the supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exception s, and under such regulations as the… …   Law dictionary

  • exception that proves the rule — This expression is used by many to indicate that an exception in some way confirms a rule. Others say that the exception tests the rule. In its original legal sense, it meant that a rule could sometimes be inferred from an exemption or exception …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • exception — ex|cep|tion [ ık sepʃən ] noun count or uncount *** someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot be included in a general statement: New technology stocks have done badly in recent months, but… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • exception — A proxy which does not authorize the proxy committee to act on its behalf concerning any other business, adjournments or substitutions. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * exception ex‧cep‧tion [ɪkˈsepʆn] noun [countable] INSURANCE a particular …   Financial and business terms

  • exception — Act of excepting or excluding from a number designated or from a description; that which is excepted or separated from others in a general rule or description; a person, thing, or case specified as distinct or not included; an act of excepting,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • exception — Act of excepting or excluding from a number designated or from a description; that which is excepted or separated from others in a general rule or description; a person, thing, or case specified as distinct or not included; an act of excepting,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • exception */*/*/ — UK [ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)n] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms exception : singular exception plural exceptions someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot be included in a general statement New… …   English dictionary

  • State or Way — • Stages in the spiritual life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. State or Way     State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive)      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive) —     State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive)     The word state is used in various senses by theologians and spiritual writers. It may be taken to signify a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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